March 2022 Update
This update highlights some of the key activities that have taken place recently and we have exciting news of upcoming events.
At the end of October we were called forward by the Northern Ireland Charity Commission to submit our application to register as a charity. This news came as a big surprise because it was only a few weeks earlier that we had filled in our Expression of Intent form. From previous conversations with other charities and following legal advice, we thought that there would be at least an 18 month period of waiting before being called forward. However, that wasn’t the case and we were delighted to be able to submit our application at the end of November, much sooner than we had anticipated. Although, we still await news regarding the outcome.
In December, the secretary and trustees of Sight Loss Ministries held an important meeting with the CEO and the chair of Torch Trust. This was a time for open and honest sharing about recent challenges that contributed to Sight Loss Ministries emerging as a new mission organisation. This initial contact has led to further correspondence between the two organisations with Sight Loss Ministries expressing a clear desire to promote Torch resources and maintain a prayerful interest in their work.
Our launch event is taking place on the 2nd April 2022.
Our Day of Prayer took place on Saturday 5th March 2022.
Prayer Points for our Day of Prayer
For people with sight loss
Pray for people who are struggling to adjust to the changes that come with losing their sight.
Pray for blind and partially sighted people who are struggling to find employment.
Pray for people with sight loss who are feeling lonely and isolated, which has been exacerbated because of COVID.
Pray for those who are struggling with their mobility, including those waiting to receive guide dogs.
Pray for Sight Loss Ministries to be able to connect with and build relationships with more people who have sight loss.
Pray for Sight Loss Ministries as we seek to develop relationships with Sensory Support teams and other healthcare professionals.
Give thanks for Torch Trust and we pray that God would strengthen and bless our relationship with them.
We pray for opportunities to connect with Christian ministries overseas that support people with sight loss.
Give thanks for churches that have a focus on supporting and including people with disabilities and we pray for opportunities to develop relationships with more churches.
Pray that God would call more people into Christian mission among blind and partially sighted people.
Admin and Finance
Give thanks that we were called forward so quickly to register with the Charity commission and pray for a successful outcome.
Pray for our application to receive tax exempt status with HMRC to be processed soon.
Pray for wisdom regarding funding applications and a sponsored activity to raise finances.
Pray for wisdom for the leadership of Sight Loss Ministries as we seek develop our activities.
We pray for God’s enabling and provision in every way for our ministry among people with sight loss.
Pray for people with sight loss to come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
Give thanks for opportunities to share with people from God’s Word at our events and pray for spiritual growth and encouragement.
Pray for Geoff McIlrath as he prepares his sermon for our launch event.
Give thanks for the technology that allows blind and partially people to access the Bible and other Christian content in accessible formats.
Pray for Sight Loss Ministries as we plan future outreach events.
Thank you for joining with us in prayer for Sight Loss Ministries.