Why is befriending needed among people with sight loss?
In the UK, 250 people a day start to lose their sight, and one in five people can expect to live with sight loss in their lifetime. Adjusting to life with sight loss can be challenging and can include experiencing a reduced sense of well-being, depression and feeling cut off from other people. Receiving the appropriate support at an early stage is important, but many people experiencing sight loss lack the essential support needed, including emotional support.
What do we offer?
We provide a Christian befriending service for people with sight loss. Initially, the service is available for befriending in person in the Southern and Northern Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland. Telephone befriending is also available in all our local Trust areas. Befriending takes place for around 6 months or 24 sessions. During in-person befriending, the befriender will carry out regular home visits. They can accompany the person out for coffee, shopping, an eye clinic appointment, or to attend an activity with them in the local community if required. The befriender will be there to offer encouragement and support. It could include spiritual support through prayer or reading the Bible to the person if requested. They can also signpost to other services when required.
Who will be carrying out the befriending?
All befrienders are Christians recruited by Sight Loss Ministries and have gone through the appropriate checks and training to enable them to carry out their role. Each befriender will receive ongoing support from the Services Coordinator and team members.
Who is the service for?
The scheme is for any adult (18 or over) with sight loss living in Northern Ireland who feels they could benefit from having a befriender, regardless of their faith. By accepting a befriender from Sight Loss Ministries, you are agreeing to our Befriending Scheme Client Agreement.
How can the service be accessed?
If you wish to access the service or have the consent of the person who does, you can make a referral using the online referral form below.
Online referral form for the Befriending Service
What if I want to talk to someone about the befriending service?
Contact us:
T: 07516636741